Ometz Lev - For Heart Patients and Transplant Recipients

The Ometz Lev organization was founded in 2017, by heart transplant recipients who noticed the lack of emotional support from the medical establishment, which heart patients and their families require.

The goal of the organization is to provide hope for patients, through personal guidance, emotional support, help in decision-making and making patient rights more accessible at various institutions, dependent on the degree and severity of the heart disease.

The Ometz Lev Organization operates solely on donations and its members are all volunteers. All the organization’s services are provided to all heart patients and their families free of charge

We are here for you, in all facets of assistance

Contact with government ministries and non-profit organizations

Promoting awareness of earlier detection of heart diseases

Facilitating access to the rights of heart patients

Activities for the wellbeing of heart patients

Personal and emotional accompaniment available 24/7 for questions

Help in making decisions based on the previous experience

Passing on urgent requests and questions to physicians

Lectures, conventions, and health days on the topics of organ transplants, heart diseases

❤ - Support us with all your heart

Our rights

Each and every heart patient and transplant recipient have the right to know all the regulations, laws, and benefits for which they are eligible simply by being heart patients.

To that end, we have gathered information which might prove critical to you, in hopes of making the process simpler for you.

The information includes all relevant agencies and the ways to contact them, in order to help you know and apply the rights to which you are entitled.

Read more about your rights

Donate to the organization

Ometz Lev is a non-profit organization. The organization operates solely on donations, and all the organization’s services are provided to all heart patients and their families, free of charge. Heart patients face daily hardship and challenges. Therefore, the organization was founded with the goal of helping them cope.

Thanks to donations like yours, we can keep the organization alive and keep working to benefit all heart patients.

Become a Volunteer

As an organization operating with a limited staff, we’re always happy to recruit volunteers who wish to donate their time for heart patients, their families, and the organization’s day-to-day operations.

The organization operates with the help of volunteers, and therefore all the volunteer options offered on the site can help the continued existence and growth of the organization.